Incorrectable Politically Arrogance

Just to be clear; I have no relations to Mr. Obama what so ever, nor with anyone within his circles. And I have posted my share of criticism amid his lack of results, so for once I’m gonna take en few minutes to stand up for this powerful world leader and help him try to make you understand just how dangerous the economic situation in the USA really is. President Obama uses the word “devastating” – I believe that is a very accurate description of will happen to the American society if not severe actions are taken immediately.

” If congressional Republicans don’t act by tomorrow, we’re going to be hit by a series of devastating, automatic budget cuts called the sequester.”

Jim Messina

(Audio only)

The President was not happy, a few hours ago when the Republicans representatives on Capitol Hill managed to waste enough time so the President’s budget proposal could not be approved, triggering the case for more budget cuts in another desperate attempt to reverse the downward spiraling US economy. It didn’t take the President’s social media trolls long to launch another underground attack on the irresponsible Republicans, who are just out to “protect the rich”.  

Yeah, and Obama is a socialist who is out to steal your money through taxes and destroy the American Dream….

Will you people get it together!

I’m getting really tired of hearing those same old arguments, time after time, in case after case. I know the different between left and right in politics! But that doesn’t matter right now. This is an emergency situation. Right now , politics are and obstacle on the way to recovery. It just slows thing down.

Everyone – regardless of politics and religion – should be out there looking for that damn road I mentioned!

However, this is the reason why I publicly declare my support for President Obama in the case of budget cuts vs closing tax loopholes.

  • My opinions do not matter at all. I’m not an American citizen and not privileged to vote.
  • I live in Europe where we are about to accumulate a great del of experience with this thing called “budget cuts”, although here in the EU we prefer to call it “austerity measures“. (a more cosmetic term for pretty much the same thing) And I can tell you – it has not been a big success, so far.
  • I also live in one of the highest taxed countries in the World. And I love it! The social benefits are so good that most people in the World would kill to get a passport or a permit to stay here. (Unfortunately, some do.).  Actually, that’s besides the point. What I trying to say that taxes inevitable. You can call it by many names, observe it in many forms, sometimes its there even if you can’t see it. For America, the only alternative to raising taxes is at the moment to borrow more money.
  • As you know, there’s a time and place for everything. This is not the time for austerity (or budget cuts, if you insist). A carefully chosen strategy of diversified tax increase are a lot easier to sell to the public than that  other ting – whatever you call it.

A couple of hours ago I received an email from the Obama-people, saying:

“Today, because congressional Republicans refused to act, devastating budget cuts known as the sequester are going into effect.  They’re self-inflicted wounds, and they didn’t have to happen,” Jon Carson  writes on behalf of the President.

But Jim Messina is the one delivering the message:

“Brace yourself. If congressional Republicans don’t act by tomorrow, we’re going to be hit by a series of devastating, automatic budget cuts called the sequester. It’s a sledgehammer to the budget, our economy, and millions of Americans across the country.”

“So far, congressional Republicans are refusing to compromise — all because they don’t want to close tax loopholes for millionaires, billionaires, vacation homes, and corporate jets. Seriously. ..”

“This has very real consequences. On the chopping block are 10,000 teaching jobs, more than 70,000 kids’ spots in Head Start, $35 million for local fire departments, $43 million to make sure seniors don’t go hungry, and access to nutrition assistance for 600,000 women and their families. That’s just a few of the things we’ll lose,” Messina hammers out.

The problem is – the Obamalists may be more right than they are aware of. (Or allowed to say.)

There’s nothing in the World, besides the feeling of being treated unfair, that causes so much anger. It has been documented through countless psychological experiments. People can tolerate some inequality, to some degree, but never injustice.

The failure to recognize this has led governments to fall, people to riot and countries to declare war.

I’m not sure if the common politicians today are really aware of how close we are to spinning totally out of control. This deceptive behaviour among many leaders may also have to do with and old-fashioned culture where leaders believed that best practice for making important decisions was secret meetings  behind closed doors. (Some still do…).

The behaviour of the US republicans scare me. One small cut, and America will suffer from massive internal bleeding.

The behaviour of the Democrats is just embarrassing: You’ve going on about those rich people for decades, but the rich just keep getting richer, right? And you know, what? Most people don’t give a damn. Let those guys have their castles and cars and cruise ships, if its important to them.

The rest of us choose to make other priorities in life, and I believe we have the right to do so. And I accept to pay higher taxes if that’s needed to ensure I’ll keep that right for forseeable future. As long as everybody else does the same, that is! 76% of  all American citizens seem to agree on that, more or less, according to a new poll.

The only plausible explanation I can see in this viral outburst of washed-out political clichés is that Obama and his trolls are trying to irritate the Republicans, enough to further weaken the party, and use the divided opponents to his advantage.

It’s a dangerous strategy, but it will probably be even more dangerous if the Republicans were allowed to block the approval of measures that are of critical importance for the recovery of the US economy.

Well, my sense is that their basic view is that nothing is important enough to raise taxes on wealthy individuals or corporations, and they would prefer to see these kinds of cuts that could slow down our recovery over closing tax loopholes, and that’s the thing that binds their party together at this point. (Barak Obama).


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