MoonTalk: Want To Buy A Greek Island?

German politician Josef Schlarmann says Greece should sell some of their 6000 islands, of which only 227 are inhabited. The Greeks are of cource not too found of the idea. What do you think? Should Europe start selling off bits and pieces to the Republic of China?

“We give you money. You give us Corfu.”


Greece could sell some of its islands to raise money to pay off its debt is, several members of the German parliamentarians thinks. “Those that are insolvent must sell everything they have to pay creditors. Greece owns the buildings, businesses and uninhabited islands that could be sold to pay debts,” German politician Josef Schlarmann says.

Vice Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas is not impressed with the proposal to sell some of the 6 000 Greek islands, of which only 227 are inhabited.

“I have heard the proposals. Such proposals are not appropriate at this time,” he told the German television channel ARD television.

What do you think?

Should a bankrupt state be able to sell off land to pay their debt?

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Norway's GDP Fall For First Time In 20 Years

Norway‘s annual gross domestic product (GDP) measured in constant prices fell for the first time in 20 years. Both GDP and GDP Mainland fell by 1.5 per cent from 2008 to 2009, the national bureau of statistics, SSB, reports.

“Increased activity in general government contributed positively throughout 2009 and helped offset the downturn in the Norwegian economy.”

Statistics Norway

The downturn in the mainland economy started in the 3r d quarter of 2008 and continued throughout the 1st quarter of 2009. The drop in activity seized in the second quarter, and the last three quarters of 2009 shows a slight increase in economic growth.

From the 3rd to the 4th quarter, the growth in GDP Mainland Norway was 0.3 per cent. Export led industries and wholesale and retail trade contributed strongly to the drop in activity in the beginning of 2009, while business services was the main source of dampened growth in the second half of the year.

“Increased activity in general government contributed positively throughout 2009 and helped offset the downturn in the Norwegian economy,” the Norwegian bureau of statistics, SSB, says in it’s quaterly national accounts report, Thursday.

Increased Goods Production

Value added in manufacturing rose by 1.0 per cent in the 4th quarter, with production of basic chemicals and metals being the main contributors.

A decline beginning in the 3rd quarter of 2008 and continuing throughout the 2nd quarter of 2009 however, led to a fall in manufacturing by 5.8 per cent for 2009 as a whole.

“The decline may be tied to a drop in both domestic and foreign demand. The exemption was record high investments in oil and gas extraction which fuelled activity in parts of manufacturing industries.”

An increase in the production of electricity as well as fishing and fish farming contributed to a growth rate of 0.9 per cent in the production of other goods in the 4th quarter. Reduced activity in construction dampened the growth.

For 2009 as a whole, value added in production of other goods was reduced by 3.8 per cent.

Slowdown In Service Activities

Production in service producing industries fell by 0.1 per cent in the 4th quarter and dampened growth of GDP Mainland Norway. Financial intermediation and business services were the main sources of the negative numbers, while transport industries and wholesale and retail trade contributed positively.

“For 2009 as a whole, growth in service industries dropped by 1.0 per cent, mainly due to a sharp decline in business services, wholesale and retail trade and transport industries.”

Link: Statistics Norway

Protracted, But Moderate Recession

Activity in the Norwegian economy is likely to continue picking up, but no clear upswing is anticipated before the end of 2012. ” Several years of increased unemployment and only moderate wage growth are therefore in the cards,” the Norwegian bureau of statistics writes in a trend analysis.

The financial crisis, which hit with full force in the autumn of 2008, led to a major slump in the global economy and intensified the downturn in Norway. The decline was however limited by strong political intervention in the finance markets and expansive monetary and fiscal policies.

“Both the Norwegian and the global economies have been growing for a while now, but there is not expected to be a strong recovery in the next few years.”

Here’s the full analysis.

Related by the Econotwist:

Central Bank of Norway raise interest rate again

Norway’s Prime Minister Fears Social Unrest

Update: 1920-similarities

Norwegian Up- and Downgrades

Fighting The Reality

Fear Of Norwegian Housing Market Collapse

Norway Economic Update – “Partly Grim”

Norway: Key Policy Rate Remains Unchanged

Fears “Dutch Disease” In Norway

Nordic Central Banks Agree On Baltic Bank Bailout

The Northern Lights (And Dark)

How To Make A Rat Look Like A Puppy

Final Words Of A Central Banker

DnB NOR: “Comprehensive System Failure”

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Extreme Weather Around The Globe

The last 24 hours reports on extreme cold and snowfall has been coming from all over the world – from The Sunshine State in the U.S. to the tropic streets of Seoul. Energyprices are rising, future contracts on orange juice are surging and people are starting to burn old books to keep warm.

“The spiralling cost of energy means heating homes has become a luxury rather than a necessity for many people – particularly the elderly, low paid and unemployed.”

Ruth Davison

(Article in Norwegian, links to sources in English)

Det meldes om rekordkulde fra Florida til Seoul. Det ekstreme været får nå sosiale, kulturelle og økonomiske konsekvenser. Energiprisene skyter i været, transportsystemer lammes, og folk er begynt å brenne gamle bøker for å holde varmen.

Det siste dagene er det kommet meldinger fra så å si alle deler av verden om ekstrem kulde og rekordstore snømengder.

I solstaten Florida meldes det om mulighet for nattefrost. Noe som er svært uvanlig.

Florida er verdens nest største produsent av appelsinjuice. Frost i jorden – bare noen timer – kan gjøre store ødeleggelser i appelsinavlingene. Prisen på fremtidskontrakter for frossen appelsinjuice fra Florida hoppet 90 prosent på derivatbørsen i Chicago mandag, melder Bloomberg News.

Også energiprisene stiger på spekulasjoner om større forbruk.

Se gårsdagens værmelding fra CNN her.

Stanser transport

Flere store flyplasser verden over har måtte stenge i perioder på grunn av rekordstore mengder snø.

I nordlige Kina nærmere det seg den laveste tempereaturen på 50 år.

I Bejing er det ventet er temperatur på minus 16 grader (C).

Flere skoler er stengt på grunn av voldsomt snøfall og snøen har skapt problemer for transporten av kull til flere store kullkraftverk.I Shandong-provinsen har man bare energi for ni dagers forbruk.
Fra Seoul i Sør-Korea meldes om det kraftigste snøfallet på 75 år. Flytrafikken og annen trasport har store problemer. 3600 sivile og 5000 soldater er kalt ut for å rydde snø, ifølge AP.

I løpet av mandag falt det 28 centimeter snø, det meste siden målingene startet i 1937.

Her er en rapport fra India.

(Kilde: Al Jazeera)

Svake rammes

Det meldes om en lang rekke dødsfall, de fleste trafikkrelaterte.

Men det meldes også om folk som er uten vann og strøm, og som tar nye metoder i bruk for å holde varmen.

En bruktbokhandler i Swansea i England melder at stadig flere pensjoniser strømmer til butikken for å sikre seg gamle stor tykke bøker som brensel fordi det er mye billigere enn kull.

“Book burning seems terribly wrong but we have to get rid of unsold stock for pennies and some of the pensioners say the books make ideal slow-burning fuel for fires and stoves. A lot of them buy up large hardback volumes so they can stick them in the fire to last all night,” forteller en bustikkassistent til

En bok på en halv kilo kan kjøpes for så lite som 5 pence, mens en 20 kilos sekk med kull koster 5 pund.

Ruth Davison i den britiske National Housing Federation sier at de økende energikostnadene gjør at oppvarming er blitt mer luksus enn nødvendighet for mange folk, spesielt blant elder og lavtlønnede og arbeidsledige.

Les også kommentaren: “Øko-logisk regnefeil?

This commentary was written about a year ago, and published first time in the Norwegian weekly paper “Ukeavisen Ledelse” 12th. of February 2009.

“Eco-logical Miscalculations?” (Google-translation in English).

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